// Model definition var Stat = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: '/tyedye/stat/', defaults: { name: 'New Stat', value: 0, default_value: 0, }, initialize: function () { this.on("change", function(model) {}); } }); var Stats = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Stat, url: function () { if (this.generic) { return "/tyedye/stats/"; } else { return "/tyedye/stats/" + this.id; } }, initialize: function (models, player_id) { this.generic = true; if (typeof player_id != 'undefined') { this.id = player_id; this.generic = false; } this.fetch({ reset: true }); if (!this.generic) { this.on('reset', function () { this.each(function (statistic) { $("#player_stats" + this.id ) .append(''); }); }); } } }); var Player = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: '/tyedye/player/', defaults: { name: 'New Player', stats: new Stats, code: 0, }, initialize: function () { // this.on("change", function (model) {}); if (this.get('code') != 0) { var player_stats = new Stats([], this.get('code')); this.set('stats', player_stats); } } }); var Players = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Player, url: "/tyedye/players/", initialize: function () { this.fetch({ reset: true }); } }); var stats = new Stats; var players = new Players; // Routers var MainRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "" : "index", "player/:player_id" : "player_detail", }, index: function () { ;; }, player_detail: function () { ;; } }); var main_router = MainRouter; // History controller Backbone.history.start({root: '/tyedye'}); // Views definition var PlayerListView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function () { this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render); }, collection: players, render: function () { // Load and compile the template var template = _.template( $("#player_list_template").html(), {}); // Put the compiled html into our 'el' element, putting in on the webpage this.$el.html(template); this.collection.each(function (playerItem) { $("div#player_ul_list").append('