Uncovering initial done

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José Carlos Cuevas 2020-06-08 22:16:22 +02:00
parent 43ab849975
commit 06931bb440

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@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ drawfieldloop:
inc ax
cmp ax, LINES
jne drawfieldloop
mov ax, [cursorx]
add ax, FIELDX
mov cx, [cursory]
add cx, FIELDY ; Make sure we get the cursor displaced correctly
mov bx, cursorbmp
call drawbox
push cx ; Store the values before scr$%&ing them
@ -153,7 +159,10 @@ drawbox:
mov dx, 00
mov al, byte [ds:bx] ;Current address in BX
cmp al, 0ffh ;This is transparent pixel, don't draw
je dontdraw
mov byte [es:si], al ;Put the pixel into RAM
inc bx
inc cx
inc dx
@ -318,21 +327,22 @@ mainloop:
;Check for user input or wanting to leave by pressing ESC
in al,60h ;read whatever is at keyboard port; looking for ESC which is #1
; cmp al,48h
; je upkey
; cmp al,4bh
; je leftkey
; cmp al,4dh
; je rightkey
; cmp al,50h
; je downkey
; cmp al,39h
; je space
; cmp al,38h
; je lalt
; mov word [lastkeypressed], 0h ;Reset the current key as it is not one we are checking
cmp al,48h
je upkey
cmp al,4bh
je leftkey
cmp al,4dh
je rightkey
cmp al,50h
je downkey
cmp al,39h
je space
cmp al,38h
je lalt
mov word [lastkeypressed], 0h ;Reset the current key as it is not one we are checking
dec al ;if ESC, AL now 0
jnz mainloop ;fall through if 0, jump otherwise
@ -343,50 +353,64 @@ exit:
mov al,00 ;Exit code as 0, everything went well
int 21h
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
je mainloop
mov [lastkeypressed], ax
mov ah,02
mov dl,31h
int 21h
jmp mainloop
call drawfield
jmp mainloop
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
je mainloop
mov [lastkeypressed], ax
mov ah,02
mov dl,32h
int 21h
jmp mainloop
mov ax, [cursorx]
dec ax
cmp ax, COLUMNS - 1
jg redraw
cmp ax, 0
jl redraw
mov [cursorx], ax
jmp redraw
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
je mainloop
mov [lastkeypressed], ax
mov ah,02
mov dl,33h
int 21h
jmp mainloop
mov ax, [cursorx]
inc ax
jmp updatelateralmovement
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
je mainloop
mov [lastkeypressed], ax
mov cx, [cursory]
dec cx
cmp cx, LINES - 1
jg redraw
cmp cx, 0
jl redraw
mov [cursory], cx
jmp redraw
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
je mainloop
mov [lastkeypressed], ax
mov ah,02
mov dl,34h
int 21h
jmp mainloop
mov cx, [cursory]
inc cx
jmp updateverticalmovement
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
je mainloop
mov [lastkeypressed], ax
mov ah,02
mov dl,39h
int 21h
jmp mainloop
mov ax, [cursorx]
mov cx, [cursory]
call uncover
jmp redraw
cmp ax, [lastkeypressed]
@ -397,6 +421,32 @@ lalt:
int 21h
jmp mainloop
cmp ax, COLUMNS ;If we are out of bounds, return
jl checky
cmp cx, LINES
jl uncoverinbounds
push ax ;Calculate offset
mov ax, cx
mov cx, COLUMNS
mul cx
mov cx, ax
pop ax
add ax, cx
mov cx, 2
mul cx
mov bx, map
add bx, ax
mov dx, word [ds:bx] ;Read
mov dh, 00h ;Set upperbit as 0
mov word [ds:bx], dx
;Data segment
@ -408,6 +458,8 @@ lastkeypressed: dw 0
seed: dw 0
minecount: db 0
tempnumber: db 0
cursorx: dw 0
cursory: dw 0
;Game map. First 8 bytes are for the cell status
;the last 8 bytes are for the cell contents.
@ -522,3 +574,12 @@ numeight: db 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h
db 14h, 17h, 40h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 40h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 40h, 40h, 40h, 17h, 0fh
db 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh
cursorbmp: db 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah
db 2ah, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 2ah
db 2ah, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 2ah
db 2ah, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 2ah
db 2ah, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 2ah
db 2ah, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 2ah
db 2ah, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 2ah
db 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah, 2ah