Now we check the mines in drawing the map

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José Carlos Cuevas 2020-06-07 17:47:54 +02:00
parent 7392932305
commit 0889c59d68

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ stack $3000
FIELDX = 02h
FIELDY = 02h
@ -25,12 +27,65 @@ start:
pop es ;ES now points to mode 13h screen segment
mov ax, DataSeg
mov ds, ax ;DS now points to our data segment
; Test draw a box
mov cx, 00h ;Y is 0
mov ax, 00h ;X is 0
mov bx, covercell
call drawbox ;Draw a box with this data
jmp mainloop
call createminefield ;Initialize the map with mines
call drawfield ;Draw the map
jmp mainloop ;Main event and game loop
; Draw the field
mov cx, 00h
mov ax, 00h
call getbmp
; mov bx, covercell
push cx
push ax
add cx, FIELDY ; Make sure we get the field displaced correctly
add ax, FIELDX
call drawbox
pop ax
pop cx
inc cx
call getbmp
cmp cx, 0Ah
jne drawfieldloop
mov cx, 0'h
inc ax
call getbmp
cmp ax, 0Ah
jne drawfieldloop
mov bx, map ; Store the base of the map in BX
push ax ; Don't mangle AX
mov ax, COLUMNS ; How many columns an AX
mul cx ; So we now multiply CX (Y coord) by COLUMNS
add bx, cx ; Add it to the pointer
pop ax ; Recover AX (X coord)
add bx, ax ; Add the X coord to BX, now we can read
cmp bx, 0009h ; There's a mine
jne nomine
mov bx, minebmp ; Point to the mine bitmap
mov bx, covercell ; Point to the covered cell
;Random subroutines here
mov ah, 02Ch ;Select Get System Time function
int 021h ;Call DOS
add cx, dx ;Add the seconds and milliseconds to add more randomness
mov word [seed], cx ;In CX we have our new seed
mov ax, 25173 ;LCG multiplier
mul word [seed] ;DX:AX = LCG multiplier * seed
add ax, 13849 ;Add LCG increment value
mov word [seed], ax ;Update seed, AX has the random number now
;This is thought to pick up from the registers the address of what we need to draw
;Draw it, and return. The params are:
@ -40,14 +95,12 @@ start:
push ax ;Save the X value for later
mov ax, cx ;Prepare for multiplications
mov cl, 8
mul cl ;This routine maintains the 8x8 positions
mov cx, 320 ;
mul cl ;And now we count whole lines for the address
mov dx, 0A00h
mul dx
mov cx, ax ;Retrieve the line into CX
pop ax ;Retrieve the X value into AX register
mov dl, 8
mul dl ;We multiply the X value too for the 8x8
mov dx, 08h
mul dx ;We multiply the X value too for the 8x8
add cx, ax ;Now we've put in AX the pointer value
mov si, cx ;Set SI to the correct address we'll draw
mov cx, 00
@ -73,7 +126,44 @@ jumplinedraw:
mov dx, 00h
add si, 313 ;Jump a whole line
jmp continuecomp ;Continue the routine
;This function populates the minefield with mines
call initseed ;Make sure we have a good seed
mov dx, 00h ;DX will be our pointer
mov bx, [map] ;BX our base pointer
push dx ;Save our counters before generating random number
push bx
call random ;This leaves a random num in AX
pop bx
pop dx
cmp al, 0F0h ;Compare if it's greater than 240
jg putmine
inc bx
inc dx
cmp dx, COLUMNS * LINES ; Check we have done the whole map
jne cmfloop
cmp byte [minecount], 10 ; Check we've put all mines!
jne createminefield
ret ; All is ok
cmp byte [minecount], 10
je finishcreateminefield
cmp word [bx], 00009h ;Check memory for placed mine
je continuecreateminefield
mov word [bx], 00009h
inc byte [minecount]
jmp continuecreateminefield
;This routine checks the map and puts numbers down given the
;amount of
; mov bx, [map]
; mov dx, 00h
@ -169,6 +259,8 @@ segment DataSeg
lastkeypressed: db 0
seed: dw 0
minecount: db 0
;Game map. First 8 bytes are for the cell status
;the last 8 bytes are for the cell contents.
@ -184,3 +276,30 @@ covercell: db 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh
db 0fh, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 0fh, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h
emptycell: db 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 17h, 0fh
db 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh
minebmp: db 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h
db 14h, 10h, 17h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 10h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 10h, 10h, 0fh, 10h, 10h, 0fh
db 14h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 17h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 17h, 0fh
db 14h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 10h, 17h, 10h, 0fh
db 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh
flagbmp: db 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh, 0fh
db 0fh, 17h, 17h, 04h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 0fh, 17h, 04h, 04h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 0fh, 04h, 04h, 04h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 0fh, 17h, 17h, 17h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 0fh, 17h, 17h, 17h, 10h, 17h, 17h, 14h
db 0fh, 17h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 10h, 14h
db 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h, 14h