Now we can game over

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José Carlos Cuevas 2020-06-08 22:44:37 +02:00
parent bbb3e4d7e4
commit 7d59ecaaa2

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ drawbox:
mul dx
mov cx, ax ;Retrieve the line into CX
pop ax ;Retrieve the X value into AX register
mov dx, 08h
mov dx, COLUMNS
mul dx ;We multiply the X value too for the 8x8
add cx, ax ;Now we've put in AX the pointer value
mov si, cx ;Set SI to the correct address we'll draw
@ -354,6 +354,17 @@ exit:
mov al,00 ;Exit code as 0, everything went well
int 21h
mov ah, 0
mov al,03 ;AX=0000 due to mainloop exit condition
int 10h ;Switch back to text mode as a convenience
mov dx, gameoverstr
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov ah,4Ch ;Function to exit, now we are an EXE, do it correctly
mov al,00 ;Exit code as 0, everything went well
int 21h
call drawfield
jmp mainloop
@ -411,6 +422,11 @@ space:
mov ax, [cursorx]
mov cx, [cursory]
call uncover
mov ax, [cursorx]
mov cx, [cursory]
call peektable
cmp dx, 00009h
je gameover
jmp redraw
@ -471,6 +487,8 @@ minecount: db 0
tempnumber: db 0
cursorx: dw 0
cursory: dw 0
gameoverstr: db "Game over!$"
youwinstr: db "You win!$"
;Game map. First 8 bytes are for the cell status
;the last 8 bytes are for the cell contents.