Now we have a counter

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José Carlos Cuevas 2020-06-09 17:49:48 +02:00
parent 09e842e964
commit df68acc085

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ drawfieldloop:
add cx, FIELDY ; Make sure we get the cursor displaced correctly
mov bx, cursorbmp
call drawbox
call drawmineno
push cx ; Store the values before scr$%&ing them
@ -151,6 +152,49 @@ puteight:
mov bx, numeight ; Point to the corresponding number cell
mov ax, 0200h ; Set cursor routine selection
mov bh, 00h ; Set to 0 for graphics modes
mov dx, 0013h ; Top row, centered (double digits)
int 10h
mov ax, [minecount] ; Get mines
cmp ax, 10 ; See if we have to draw a zero or not
jge drawdecimal
push ax
mov cx, 00h ; Tell the system to draw a zero
call drawnumber
pop cx
jmp drawunits
mov ax, [minecount]
mov cx, 10
div cl
push ax
mov cl, al
call drawnumber
pop ax
mov al, 00
mov cl, ah
push cx
mov ax, 0200h ; Set cursor routine selection
mov bh, 00h ; Set to 0 for graphics modes
mov dx, 0014h ; Top row, centered (double digits)
int 10h
pop cx
call drawnumber
mov al, cl
add ax, 30h ; We draw numbers, add 30h and you get the ascii code
mov ah, 09h ; Draw a character at current cursor position
mov cx, 01h ; Draw the character once
mov bh, 00h ; Black background
mov bl, 04h ; Red color
int 10h
;Random subroutines here
mov ah, 02Ch ;Select Get System Time function
@ -527,6 +571,7 @@ uncover:
mov dx, word [ds:bx] ;Read
cmp dh, 00h ;Already uncovered
je terminateuncover
dec word [covered]
mov dh, 00h ;Set upperbit as 0
mov word [ds:bx], dx
cmp dx, 00000h ;If the cell is empty
@ -587,6 +632,7 @@ unaxoutboundsthirdrow:
dec byte [minecount]
call getoffset
mov dx, word [ds:bx] ;Read
mov dh, 02h ;Set upperbit as 0
@ -606,6 +652,7 @@ minecount: db 0
tempnumber: db 0
cursorx: dw 0
cursory: dw 0
covered: dw COLUMNS * LINES
gameoverstr: db "Game over!$"
youwinstr: db "You win!$"
;Game map. First 8 bytes are for the cell status